Mentoring Curriculum Rewrite and Redesign

The mentoring curriculum is at the heart of the teen center’s efforts to reach young people.

Our hope is that every student who attends a center will connect one-on-one with a mentor and go through our mentoring curriculum. In these lessons the young person find answers to some of the most important questions of their life, and learns about God’s love and purposes for them. For 30 years now these lessons have been vital to the impact these teen centers make in the lives of young people.

But they are desperately in need of an update.

While the heart of the teachings in these lessons remain effective and pertinent to kids today, many of the stories, stats, and language needs to be brought up-to-date. Also the format and design of the lessons is very dated. We are finding that kids’ attention spans are becoming shorter and their need for visual stimulation is increasing. Because of this the curriculum is losing its effectiveness and needs to be brought up to the times.

Finally the work has begun.

We are currently working on a major rewrite and redesign of all 12 Youth Venture Mentoring Lessons. This project has several goals:

  • updating the content with new stories, stats, and language

  • universalizing the content to increase its effectiveness in other communities

  • break up the content between more pages

    • less information on each page will help the kids focus

    • flipping pages more often will help keep their attention

    • more space for design elements will keep their interest

  • update the design with modern visuals and engaging graphics

  • create a natural break point in the middle of each lesson to keep sessions short

Each page will be beautiful and engaging.

This project will significantly increase the curriculum’s effectiveness at ministering to kids, draw more kids into mentoring relationships, and keep the curriculum relevant for many years to come. Once finished it will immediately be used in teen centers around the country, ministering to hundreds of students, and will be used in every new teen center that launches in the future.

Thousands of lives will be impacted by this project.

We are excited to share the final product with you in the coming months.

Update: January 2024

We have completed the first book!

The first book which contains the first three mentoring lessons has been completed. The books have been renamed from Jr Varsity, Varsity, and Advanced, to Base Camp, Ascent, and Summit. And the content and design has been updated.

The curriculum is available to every center to download from our website for free. Also available is a digital version for use on tablets, and high quality published versions on Amazon.

Below is a sample of the new lessons and an example of the old curriculum.

Old Curriculum:

New Curriculum:

We are currently actively working on the second book, Ascent, and hope to have it completed soon. We will keep you updated as we progress.


2023 Review ……..(first half)


Maryann Kephart