CSM Gatlinburg Conference

In May, Jeremy and Kevin attended the Charles Simpson Conference in Gatlinburg, Tennessee. Charles Simpson and his son Stephen have been great friends to our church for many years and supporters of the Youth Venture teen centers. We have attended the conference many times.
With the launch of Visit Ministries they offered to highlight our ministry and give us the opportunity to introduce ourselves to the conference attendees.
There were about 200 pastors and church leaders from congregations all over the country gathered for these three days. The response to our presentation was very encouraging. They were excited for our work and how we might be able to help them reach young people in their communities. We talked with many leaders over the next three days and built some wonderful friendships.
We had many meetings and gave out over 50 Kids Like Us books. After the conference we sent out over a dozen packets with more information. In all, we connected with about 40 churches who are interested in what we do and have a heart for the youth in their community.
We will see what the future holds and what great fruit will come from the seeds that were planted at this conference.